Thursday, February 27, 2020

Threat of new Entrants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Threat of new Entrants - Essay Example As a product, medical marijuana will provide increased competition especially because of the publication that it is receiving and perceptions that include many diseases that it can treat and improve symptoms. The capability for an entrant to satisfy a wide range of customer needs is a primary risk for the existing products (Vallaster et al., 2012). As a leader in the field of medicine, this is how I would assess the threat posed by medical marijuana. The strategies that I would implement to deal with this threat include corporate social responsibility and war gaming. Good corporate citizenship improves the reputation of an organization in the eyes of the communities and the customers who become loyal regardless of entrants. Considering that modern stakeholders are more interested in how organizations cater for the natural environment, an organization that practices the same is bound to not only retain but also increase its market share irrespective of entrants. In addition, the wargaming strategy would involve assessing how much the organization would be affected by entrants and devising ways of mitigating (Kaplan & Mikes, 2012). This would act as an opportunity for improvement. Personally, I think wargaming would be more effective although collaboration of both strategies would be more helpful with respect to future organizational performance. Moreover, I would also raise awareness with regard to the idea that the negative effects of medical marijuana overwhelm the perceived medicinal value.

Monday, February 10, 2020

FINAL LEGAL RESEARCH PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

FINAL LEGAL RESEARCH PAPER - Essay Example Therefore, these researchers end up not publishing their information regarding varied flaws they normally find characterizing certain digital products. For instance, Dmitry Sklyarov’s arrest prompted Fred Cohen to withdraw information regarding â€Å"Forensix† software from his website claiming he was afraid of DMCA’s liability once he steps in US (Von Lohmann, 2010). Some scientists as well as researchers have expressed their fears especially when visiting US in the quest of attending varied conferences. This is because they deem US’ authorities will arrest them due to their past openness in revealing flaws that characterize certain Corporations’ products who have filed charges before without their knowledge (Von Lohmann, 2010). Hence, prompting these scientists and researchers to compel conference organizers to hold such events in other non-US states (Von Lohmann, 2010). Other researchers have decided not to reveal their findings all together in t he quest of ensuring they have maintained cordial relationship with the US. This is detrimental especially to the unsuspecting customers who may not understand exactly certain flaws that characterize most of the reputable products they have been using (Von Lohmann, 2010). a. ... nt researchers â€Å"play safe† by withholding their varied researches concerning flaws, which they have ascertained evident in some digital products, for instance, Mr. Song (who has authored varied security researches) (Von Lohmann, 2010). b. Introduction to the Problem DMCA liability has prompted numerous researchers to withdraw as well as withhold essential researches concerning flaws, which they have ascertained characterizing certain digital products. Since most of these researchers fear prosecutions and arrests once they visit US (Von Lohmann, 2010). Studies have also revealed how certain researchers especially Russian programmers to date decline attending US conferences and prefer them held in other states. This is due to the past information they have revealed concerning flaws evident in some of the most reputable products produced by US corporations for years (Von Lohmann, 2010). c. Purpose Statement This study seeks to ascertain exactly what prompts scientists and pr ogrammers decline unveiling essential information, which they have found characterizing some reputable digital products. d. Research Questions and Sub questions i. What is the impact of DMCA liability to both scientists and programmers since its inception to date? ii. What are the researchers’ views concerning DMCA liability? iii. So far, what damages has DMCA liability caused to both scientists and programmers? iv. Does the DMCA liability affect only the US’ scientists and programmers? v. What are some of the examples that indicate DMCA liability has interfered with both researchers and programmers’ legal rights? vi. Is it true researchers and other experts in this field withhold essential information fearing prosecution or barred from visiting US? e. Statement of Significance Scientists,